EasyBlog Documentation

In this article:

Theme Installation & Activate

Installing a theme through WordPress is quite easy

Upload the theme file

  1. Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click on the Add New button
  3. Click on the Upload Theme button
  4. Click Browse and select current version of easyblog.zip in your computer
  5. Click Install Now

After theme installed successfully you can activate theme by clicking Activate on link as appear in your screen.

Manually activate theme

If you wish to activate manually

  1. Go to Appearance Themes in the WordPress menu
  2. Hover over the theme thumbnail and press the Activate button

[ Find more information for theme installation at: Using Themes by WordPress ]

Go to Appearance > Menus

  1. Select Pages you wanted to be appeared in Menu
  2. Click on Add to Menu
  3. Give a suitable menu name
  4. Drag menu item left-right to make it under another menu(sub menu).
  5. Click Create Menu
  6. Click Save Menu

[ Find more information at: Menus by WordPress ]

Theme Options


Logo & Site Identity

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity

  1. Click on Select logo Choose your Logo, Click on Logo Image you want to use then click on Select bottom right corner, you can either crop or skip cropping, its up to your requirements.
  2. Add Site Title, if you wish to show Title instead of Logo.
  3. Add Tagline, its like slogan that display beside logo.
  4. Site Icon (favicon), click on Select Image then Click on Image or Icon you want to use then click on Select bottom right corner, you can either crop or skip cropping.
  5. Click Save & Publish


Colors Setting

You can see different colors pallets already defined along with their titles. All those are pre-defined default colors, you can specify colors as your requirements by clicking on color pallets.

Go to Appearance > Customize > Colors

  1. Click on Color Pallet of each section to set color
  2. Click Save & Publish button to Save.


Header Image

You can set a Header Image, its a wide banner images which is displayed just above menus bar.

Go to Appearance > Customize > Header Image

  1. To add new header image click on Add new image button
  2. Select a image by Clicking on any Image you wish to show as header image
  3. click on Select and Crop button at bottom right corner
  4. You can Drag marked area as your requirement and hit Crop Image button, bottom right corner
  5. You can see the changes and header images, now click on Save and Publish button at top left, and you are done


Background Image

You can set a Background Image as website body background

Go to Appearance > Customize > Background Image

  1. To add new header image click on Select Image button
  2. Select a image by Clicking on any Image you wish to show as background image and hit Choose Image at bottom right corner
  3. You can set Background Repeat properties
  4. You can set Background Position properties
  5. You can set Background attachment properties
  6. You can see the changes as you updated values, now click on Save and Publish button at top left, and you are done


Static Front Page

By default Your latest posts is activated and show 10 posts per page at front page of your site. If you want to set a static page as a front-page then you can follow those steps.

Go to Appearance > Customize > Static Front Page

  1. click on A static page to set a static page
  2. now select a page from dropdown menu for Front Page
  3. and you can select a page for posts page where your latest posts will be shown
  4. Click on Save and Publish.


Related posts can be sown in single page with same category. Sample of related posts is shown in figure below.

Go to Appearance > Customize > Layout and Content

  1. Click on Related Posts
  2. click on check box to tick
  3. Click on Save and Publish

  1. Go to Appearance > Widgets
  2. Drag required Widgets widget to Sidebar position
  3. Set up each widgets
  4. Click Save

  1. Go to Appearance > Widgets
  2. Drag required Ads Widgets widget to Sidebar position. There are 4 different types of Advertisements. A. Daisy: Ads 130x130: with size of 130px width and 130px height. B.Daisy: Ads 262x220: this ads is specially for sidebar location, height of ads is 220px however it will adjust height automatically of banner height. C. Daisy: Ads 728x90: specially for header wide banner ads. D. Daisy: Ads 870x150: this type of ads is for news section ads.
  3. Set up each Advertisement's title, link and banner image
  4. Click Save

[ Even you can see each ads have different height and width, the widgets can have any size of banner ads and it will adjust height and width depending upon uploaded banner image. ]

Need Help?

This document will guide you to install theme and setup your website quick and easily. If any issue occurs during installation, please feel free to sent us an email via the Contact Us link under this article.