WP Coupon Documentation

In this article:


Unzip the file you download after purchase. The following files and folders will be in the unzipped file:

  • wp-coupon.zip
  • Licensing
  • Documentation

The theme can be uploaded in two ways:

  • FTP upload: Using your FTP program, upload the non-zipped wp-coupon folder into the /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.
  • WordPress Upload: Navigate to Appearance > Add New Themes > Upload. Go to browse, and select the zipped wp-coupon.zip file. Hit Install Now and the theme will be uploaded and installed.

Once the theme is uploaded, you need to activate it. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate the wp-coupon theme.

If you need help installing WordPress see the link here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes

After activating the wp-coupon theme click to Begin activating plugins to active recommend plugins.

Install Sample Data

wp-coupon has included WordPress XML demo file, which you can see at /dummy-data/. Following this step to import demo data to your site:

  1. Go to Tools > Import
  2. Select XML demo file from /dummy-data/
  3. Submit Upload file and import.
  4. Assign posts to an existing account.
  5. Check to Download and import file attachments
  6. Submit and wait when WP tools download attachments to your WordPress site

1 Click to install demo data

To use this function you must active plugin WPCoupon Demo Import

Go to WP-Coupon -> demo content -> hit Import button and wait a few minutes.

Logo Settings

In admin page goto WP-Coupon -> General: here you can upload a custom logo.

Add new a Store

  1. In admin area go to Stores
  2. Enter a store name
  3. Enter store description (optional)
  4. Select a store thumbnail (optional)
  5. Hit the "Add new store" button to save your store

Other fields are optional

Add new coupon

In the admin area goto Coupons -> Add new and follow these steps:

  1. Enter coupon title.
  2. Enter coupon description.
  3. Select a coupon type, there are 3 coupon types you can choose (coupon, sale (promotion), printable).
  4. Depending on the coupon type that you selected at step 3 you will have different fields for each type.
  5. Coupon URL, where this coupon applies for.
  6. Coupon expires.
  7. Exclusive coupon?
  8. Set coupon thumbnail.
  9. Select stores for the coupon.
  10. Select categories for the coupon.
  11. Hit the "Publish" button to save your coupon.

Setup home page

Go to add a new page and follow these steps:

Add a page

  1. Enter your page title
  2. Select page template as Front Page
  3. Other settings fields are like the image below.
  4. Hit Update/Publish to save.

Setup home page

Now you can use that page that you've added above as the home page following these steps:

  1. Go to Settings -> Reading.
  2. Front page displays: Select a static page and then front page select a page you want to be the home page.
  3. Hit the Save Changes button to save your settings.

Setup Home page widgets

If you want to set up a home page with a slider carousel on the top and ads below main content just go to Appearance -> Widgets -> drag widgets  to sidebars like the image below:

Here you can setup header icon, top search stores

To setup header icon, top search stores go to WP-Coupon -> Select header tab:

  1. Set Icon title.
  2. Set icon code.
  3. icon Link.
  4. Stop search stores, drag to sort.

Theme Options

To use this function you must active plugin Redux Framework

Here you can control theme options


  • Site logo settings.
  • Change site layout (right sidebar/left sidebar/no sidebar).
  • Coupon categories listing page
  • Stores listing page


  • Primary: Main site color.
  • Secondary: Secondary color used for link hover, box border,...
  • Coupon code: Color of coupon code icon.
  • Coupon sale: Color of coupon sale icon.
  • Coupon Print: Color of coupon print.
  • Body background: Setup site background color, image,...


  • Header Sticky
  • Change header icons.
  • Change Top Search Stores.
  • Custom your header style.


  • Change the typography for the body text and headings.

Menu Bar

  • Change Primary Menu Typography


  • Page header setting (show/hide).
  • Show header breadcrumb for pages (yes/no).
  • Page header cover image settings.


These options are applied on the single post page.

  • Page header setting for blog pages.
  • Custom blog title.
  • Show header breadcrumb for blog pages.
  • Blog pages cover image settings.
  • Show/hide post meta: categories, tags, author, comment.

Single store

  • Settings single store layout.
  • Enable/Disable social share under store description.
  • Store custom heading.
  • Store unpopular coupon text.
  • Store expired coupon text.

Coupon category

  • Settings Layout for coupon category pages (right sidebar/left sidebar/no sidebar).
  • Enable social share under coupon category description.
  • Coupon category custom heading.
  • Coupon category sub-heading.
  • Number coupons to show.
  • Coupon listing paging (Ajax load or paging navigation).
  • Category advertisement Code.

Coupons, Schedule

  • Custom Exclusive Coupon Message.
  • When coupon expires:  select action when coupon expires
  • Run expires action time: Run action after coupon expires x seconds.

Note: Schedule function run on timezone GMT + 0, it runs hourly, twicedaily, daily, and maybe more if have filters.

  • Before footer: Custom HTML/Text you wan to show before footer start.
  •  Footer widgets: You can enable/disable footer widget, change footer widget columns, change footer columns layout.
  • Custom Footer Copyright.
  • Enable/Disable theme author links.
  • Custom your footer style.