Together Documentation

In this article:

Theme Installation & Activate

Installing a theme through WordPress is quite easy

Upload the theme file

  1. Go to Appearance  Themes in the WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click on the Add New button
  3. Click on the Upload Theme button
  4. Click Browse and select current version of in your computer
  5. Click Install Now

After theme installed successfully you can activate theme by clicking Activate on link as appear in your screen.

Manually activate theme

If you wish to activate manually

  1. Go to Appearance Themes in the WordPress menu
  2. Mouseover theme thumbnail and press the Activate button

Find more information for theme installation at: Using Themes by WordPress.

Go to Appearance → Menus

  1. Add item to menu.
  2. List menu item, here you can drag item to sort.
  3. Chose menu location to display.
  4. Click Save Menu

Find more information at: WordPress Menu User Guide by WordPress.

Go to Appearance  → Customize → Site Identit y.

  1. Click on Select logo to upload your logo, choose which you want to use then click on Select at bottom right corner, you can either crop or skip cropping, its up to you.
  2. Add Site Title : if you want to show Title instead of Logo.
  3. Add Tagline : it's slogan that display beside the logo.
  4. Site Icon (favicon).
  5. Click Save & Publish.

Colors Setting

Go to Appearance  Customize  Colors

Header Image

Go to Appearance  Customize  Header Image

Count Down

Go to Appearance  Customize  Wedding Count Down

Setup Home page


About Couple

Go to Customize   HomePage Builder   About Couple Section

  1. Show/Hide the Couple section
  2. Select Groom page.
  3. Select Bride page


Wedding Ceremony Details

Go to Customize   HomePage Builder   Wedding Ceremony Details

  1. Show/Hide the Couple section

Wedding Ceremony :

Wedding Party :



It is a simple form by Contact form 7 plugin.


Recent Blog Posts

Go to Appearance  Customize  HomePage Builder  → Recent Blog Posts

  1. Select category to display.
  2. Show/hide the Recent blog post section.
  3. Section Title.

  1. Site Title.
  2. Go to Customize => Widgets => Footer Widget => Drag the Social Icons widget to add social link.

Need Help?

This document will show you how to install the theme and setup your website quick and easily. If any issue occurs during installation, feel free to sent us an email via the Contact Us link under this article.